Thank You//Recap

It’s been awhile since last posting… We have a lot of catching up to do. In just a few short months so much life has happened…

First, we want to start by saying thank you to all that have been supporting us by either one time gifts or monthly support. Also, we want to acknowledge those that have been praying for us and encouraging us as well! It has always been timely when any of you have reached out to say, “I’ve been praying,” or “This is what I’ve been getting…” What the Lord is doing in the earth is all of our story and we are always astounded by how our stories are all intricately woven together. Just from January to now your support and prayers allowed us to help head up the 40-Day fast in January and you have sent us to Kodiak Island, Tanana, Rampart, Hughes, Koyakuk, Soldotna, Homer, and kept us available to continue working along side Akoneday. This post is an attempt to catch you up on some of the highlights of these past few months. SO much has happened and this should have come sooner, but just know for every highlight, there’s MORE. And it’s been wild.

January 40 Day Fast recap:
Lou Engle from The Call ministry came and released a word in Alaska that there would be a fast in the dark months of the year. Matthew 9:38 was our sending verse for the fast, “Therefore PRAY the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest!” and from January 1st to February 9th we helped set up a prayer room in Wasilla, Ak and live streamed the prayer sets. It was a powerful time of presence and intercession. Live testimonies started to come in with people getting saved, healings happening, people being sent out to the mission field… A team from YWAM Kona, Hawaii (FIRE AND FRAGRANCE DTS) came and brought the FIRE in worship, prayer and evangelism! Also, others all over the state started joining in the fast as well. Hunger was an apparent part of the prayer room. As people were giving themselves to prayer, they were also starting to experience the presence of God like never before. Worship became wild with nights of dancing and shouting, laying out in the glory, angels coming in and singing, and love for one another. We all became so vested in one another as we prayed and worshiped along side each other. Undeniable fire started burning in the hearts of people. They became lovers turned witnesses. We continue to hear testimonies of what the Lord is doing from that time to now. The fruit of giving ourselves to labor with God in the place of worship and prayer resulted in a confidence to see Him move in Alaska. If you want to see any of the lives streams, they’re still available on Akoneday’s facebook page!

Shortly after the fast in February, the Manallis along side Pat and Evelyn Donelson hopped a plane and went to Kodiak to spread the fire to two churches. It was a special trip because one of the churches was Mariya’s parents, Pastor Pisa and Michelle, church. The other was a pastor that used to youth pastor on the Kenai Peninsula. A few years back, the Donelsons and these two (now Kodiak) pastors (Pisa and Michelle Faumui and Tracey and Pam Hodges) used to run together in renewal. History revisited! We sat together and retold stories of the moving of the Holy Spirit. It was fun watching relationship reignite as they then discussed what they were seeing happen in Alaska. We saw freedom being imparted through healing and major deliverance on that trip.

Carry The Cure:
Back during the fast Jason was approached by a friend to join them on a Carry The Cure trip. If you are not familiar with this ministry, I’d encourage you to visit their website: They’re going out to the villages and bringing the gospel while seeing many come into a personal relationship with Jesus! There were two teams that went out this year. In March Jason participated on Team 2. They went to smaller villages (Tanana, Rampart, Hughes, and Koyukuk) and saw young children invite Jesus into their hearts. It was powerful. Their teams mantra was “LOVE WELL”. And love well, they did. Their trip was “for the one”. Supernaturally, just FOUR DAYS before the trip started, we saw all the funds come in for Jason and our bills covered. We were so encouraged and knew the Lord was blessing the go! Jason came back with a heart to see the villages strategically reached!

Kenai Peninsula/Homer:
We were invited by Regent Church in Homer through our friend Lanny Simpson. We could not go all that way and not make a stop in our beloved stomping grounds, Soldotna! We gathered some friends in a house and visited, worshiped, prayed, and prophesied. The Lord told Mariya about a month earlier that we will be making trips to the Kenai Peninsula to pour back into a place that has grown us and sent us from 2008-2014. No matter how big or small the gathering, in a house or church, one on one or a congregation, invest. So invest we will continue to do! They hold a special place in our heart and we are forever grateful for the inheritance we have with them! // Homer was powerful for Jason and I. We went to minister, but came away changed. It’s always fun to minister there and very easy! They are a people of presence and continue to lean into hearing what the Lord is doing and moving accordingly. We had a powerful time meeting with Lanny and Carol Simpson and Mark and Brenda Eden, the co-pastors of Regent. Jason also was given the opportunity to speak at a Heaven In Business group. We were able to see the synergy of business people in the marketplace with kingdom mindsets. Very impacting and very powerful! We fully believe that God is highlighting the connection between the business world and missions! We continue to build with our friends in Regent and will be making a trip with hopefully a team of people to do outreach on the boardwalks during the summer months. The nations travel to Homer as a tourist spot. Jesus wants them! Stay tuned for more info on that!

Picture taken from our house! Rainbow over Pioneer Peak! He keeps His promises!

That brings us to now. The school year has ended which means that subbing has ended for Jason. Our hearts are not anxious, although we know that we will need direction as to what to do next. Friends, there are some options before us and our only heart is to obey and to continue saying YES to whatever it is that the Lord says to do. Not going to lie, this process has been filled with every emotion as God keeps proving Himself faithful. Honestly, we feel as though we are growing and learning so much. It’s hard to not tell the whole story because every little thing that He has whispered, and every big thing He has shouted has MATTERED so much. But for the sake of this blog not turning into a book, Jesus still brings us back to one thing: He loves Alaska. He loves people. He wants them. And we want Jesus. Therefore, we want what He wants.

As a family, we are enjoying one another and just love the stage that each of our kiddos is in. Abraham is in soccer, six years old, with one loose tooth, and three adult teeth growing in. Zion is sassy, sweet, and into EVERYTHING. Please continue to pray and believe with us for her eyes. She had a corrective eye surgery last year and we are possibly looking at another soon. Nothing stops her though! We are excited about summer and look forward to hikes and adventuring! Jason’s parents will be here the end of June from Connecticut. They were just here last year and we love that THEY love Alaska enough to want to come a second year in a row (I’m sure cute grandkids have something to do with that too.)

If you want to partner with us, go to our “give” page. If you want us to come, go to our “connect” page! We’d love to come and visit you!

We will be posting some testimonies, so look to our following blogs! Thank you for partnering with us and for loving us well!!!