Milky Boobs, In Jesus’ Name!

A friend of ours texted me one day asking for prayer. Her baby had stopped nursing and she was devastated. Her milk had dropped increasingly and she was desperate to keep nursing. “Please pray!” she said. She had been in tears, not able to get her baby to latch. I shared the text with Jason who suggested going over to her house to pray for her. I threw the idea out to my friend who immediately replied, “Yes! I’ll try anything!”

We rushed over and found her sad, still trying to nurse her little one. We laid hands on her and prayed… She tried again. Nothing. “That’s ok,” I remember thinking, “When baby quiets down maybe it’ll be easier…” We prayed a little more and decided to leave to let them have some space and quiet. It had been awhile since the baby had latched and nursed… and honestly, I was wondering if it was really going to happen as well.

We got in our car. Frustrated, Jason just yells out,


And just as we were pulling out of the driveway, my friend texts and says, “My Milk came in!!!” I looked at Jay, Jay looked at me and he said, “That’s right!!!”

Gave us a good laugh! Jesus is so cool. 😉