It’s Time
The pattern of our (Manalli) life is for the Lord to give us a word that vibrates with frequency, we obey and follow, and then comes the waiting. The thing is, when the Lord releases a word over your life, it becomes alive the moment it’s born. And so, when the waiting comes, it feels eternal as we sit with a promise in our hearts awaiting fulfillment. But in that time, He gives something so powerful and potent. He gives Himself. When all you have left is His word, you get to watch the Lord simply be the Lord. He comes in the stillness and in every day life and feeds you His love. He tethers your heart to His and burns His words so deep down on the inside of you, that when the wind blows on that word again, your heart no longer just has zeal, but it has unstoppable passion that was born in the fire of waiting.
When we came to Wasilla, Alaska, we came not just on a word (although one from Him is enough), but on many. For months straight, we had dreams, visions and prophetic words following us, tracking us down and taking us over. It became so clear what we were to do and we were absolutely excited! The amount of supernatural activity surrounding the whole thing was like a straight street of nothing but green lights that would never turn red. All we came with was a word(s), a small U-Haul and a message. The message was this: “For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified” -1 Corinthians 2:2. The simple gospel. We burned for reality.
And then, as I had said earlier, we waited. We didn’t have answers for ourselves, let alone anyone else that asked us why we were here except that He said to come. We slowly became reborn, reformed, reset and renewed in that place.
And then the wind started blowing.
It’s become so clear that the words we received then are to be stepped into now. It is time. Some tangible steps have come together. Right now, we are helping to pioneer a movement that is called AK ONE DAY ( with a mission to unify the body of believers in the state of Alaska towards the harvest so that everyone has the opportunity to know Jesus. There has been a lot of excitement and momentum building over this project and we are excited to be a part of it. Currently, our boots on the ground response to the big vision of AK ONE DAY, is doing something we call The Furnace (find us on Facebook: The Furnace Alaska). With a small team, we go from church to church around the valley leading people into the presence of God through worship, stir the body to pray and intercede for the church to be awakened in her calling to share the gospel and for souls to be won, small exhortations through the word of God, “now” testimonies of salvation and healing, words of knowledge and more. the response has been amazing and we are watching the Lord do amazing things in our small gatherings.
We believe that what we are doing is important work. It is hard work. And there is much to be done. It is with joy and simple obedience that we put our hand to the plow fueled by the dream in the Lord’s heart that “all may know Him”. Thank you to all our family and friends who have spoken into our lives, believed in us, prayed in and over us, walked with us. This story I share is your story too. This land that I love, is your land too. It’s always the Father’s heart that souls be brought into the knowledge of Him and to be reconciled back into right relationship with Him.
I want to add that no matter where you’re at, whether in the waiting or the going, He is faithful to finish everything He starts. Lean into His heart for you. Learn about this Man that you are following. He can be trusted.
This is Alaska’s time // That all may know,
Jason and Mariya Manalli