A friend of ours texted me one day asking for prayer. Her baby had stopped nursing and she was devastated. Her milk had dropped increasingly and she was desperate to …
We’ve kind of been in this quiet season. One that, if the Lord in His mercy had not told us was coming, would have left us feeling disappointed, I’m sure. …
She wasn’t even close by me. She was a ways away and I called out to her over the conversation that I was having with someone else…: “You’re going to …
April 15th. I was so looking forward to that day. A girlfriend and I had planned a trip into Anchorage to have brunch and do a little shopping. Almost a …
THANK YOU FOR THOSE THAT ARE INTERESTED IN THE PIONEER SHIRT! We have been having so much fun seeing this being worn by others around the state! Not limited to …
It’s been awhile since last posting… We have a lot of catching up to do. In just a few short months so much life has happened… First, we want to …
Hey family and friends! We’ve got some exciting stuff happening in the Manalli family! September is always a busy month for us! We celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary, Abraham’s 6th …
The pattern of our (Manalli) life is for the Lord to give us a word that vibrates with frequency, we obey and follow, and then comes the waiting. The thing …